Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Light in my Heart

There's a light in my heart
That's been nurtured to glow
It was bright;  It was beautiful
It inspired me to grow
Though it ebbed on occasion
It would also flow
And grew brighter and more brilliant
Than any I've known

The light that I read by
Has grown dim these days
Though I squint, and I blink
And spark candles in vain
I've treasured its insight
I've learned so much by its flare
Now it brings such an ache
I'm left gasping for air

There's a light on my porch
That I cannot extinguish
Though I should, but I hope
And implore, and I wish
Hope springs eternal
No matter how much I deny
No matter how many tears
No matter how much I cry

There's a light in my heart
That will always burn bright
Cause you lit it, tended it
And brought it to sight
I miss you, I thank you
For all you have taught me
I'll cherish you always
For all you have brought me

22 January 2014

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Please Don Your Own Mask Prior to Assisting Others

A lot of us seem to be under the impression that putting others before ourselves is the noble and right thing to do.  Not only that, but we like to judge others who we witness not choosing to live this way (in that moment of time).  It's all with good intentions of course, and in many cases putting others first is indeed the best thing to do.  But when we deem it as the right and honourable thing to do, and that's the reason we "should" (ugh, I don't like that word), often coupled with not having enough of whatever resource we are offering up, we're setting ourselves up to fail.   Doing this occasionally is okay, but repeatedly, and over time, not so much.

As a wise woman once told me, "Your own cup must be overflowing before you can fill someone else's".  We cannot give more than we have.  When we give of ourselves to our own detriment, eventually there's nothing left.  Not only is this a disservice to ourselves and an affront to the lives we lead, but how do we figure we'll be able to care for others at all, when we have nothing left to give them?

I'm not suggesting that we all become selfish and take before giving all the time.  But we have to remember that we are important too.  We all have needs and desires that deserve to be met.  We have to ensure that we are being cared for... and too often instead of caring for ourselves, we take up the expectation that someone else will choose to care for us, and if they don't, we become bitter, angry or hurt.  And when we don't care for ourselves, and no one else steps up to the plate to meet our needs, we begin harbouring resentment and we become sick.

We invite illness into our bodies when we sacrifice more than we can afford, and even worse when we hang on to the bitterness we create along with it.  I believe this is the cause of fibromyalgia (and other health issues too, but this one is so obvious to me).  Every person I know who has this disorder is exactly the same type of person.  I'm sure maybe some exceptions exist, but of the ones I've met, they are all their own detriment.

Why do we do this?  Why are we made to feel that looking out for ourselves is wrong?  that it's okay to allow ourselves to suffer, but allowing others to suffer is not okay?  Let's be clear, I don't feel that it's okay to allow others to suffer either, but we are too quick to forget that we need our health if we are going to be able to do any good for anyone else.  When we give until we are depleted, no one wins.

Take time for you.


Do something just for you.  Each and every day.

Fill yourself back up, then once you are re-equipped, you can go on making everyone else happy too.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Conscious Choice

Where will we be tomorrow
If we continue on this way?
What happens to our world
If we live all days like today?
Are we moving forward?
'Cause we are moving fast...
Are we repeating old mistakes?
Or learning from the past?

Do we live life with compassion?
Do we care for one another?
Do we give without expecting?
Or try to hurt each other?
Do we think we can we go on like this
Without any care?
Without love to guide us
Without grace in the air?

Do we turn a blind eye
To the misery we're seeing?
Do we pay mind to the hurt
We inflict on fellow beings?
What have you done today
To lessen someone's pain?
What have you done in your life
For no personal gain?

Remember there are many
You can reach with just your voice
And that it does not need to be hard
To make a conscious choice
We do not need to shout
We merely need to speak
We only need to live
And to become the change we seek

27 January 2013

The Basics of Reiki

Rei = Universal
Ki = Life Force

Reiki, put simply, is energy healing and balancing.

Nearly every culture has some form of recognising (and healing with) this life force: Chinese Chi, Indian Prana, Hawaiian Huna, Mana in other Pacific islands.  Reiki is the Japanese version.

Hinduism identifies seven main centres of energy. The Chakras. They appear to those who can see energy, either visually or intuitively, as the colours of the rainbow, from the red Root chakra at the bottom of the spine to the purple Crown chakra at the top of the head. Each represents and embodies different aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Chakra System:

1) Root Chakra – I have.
Position/Colour: Base of spine – Red
Central Theme: Will to live, security, trust, self-preservation
Strengths: Life energy, endurance, rhythm, connection to nature
Weaknesses: Egoism, lack of self control
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Will to live, basic trust
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: Constipation, back pain, diseases of the bones, basic fear, distrust, disorientation
Exercises: Horseback riding, bike riding, walking, meditations/visualisations of being tree-like/connected to Earth
Affirmation: “I trust the Power of the Earth and feel my own body.”

2) Sacral Chakra – I feel.
Position/Colour: Below the navel – Orange
Central Theme: Sexuality, sensuality, fertility, creativity
Strengths: Vitality, creativity, joy
Weaknesses: Uncontrolled drives, compulsiveness, guilt feelings
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Awareness of one's own body, creativity, passion
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: Problems of reproductive systems, kidney disease, addiction, sex drive, mental weakness
Exercises: Healthy sex life/mentality, creating art, creating in general
Affirmation: “I take pleasure in life with all my senses.”

3) Solar Plexus Chakra – I can.
Position/Colour: Above the navel – Yellow
Central Theme: Will power, personality, self-control
Strengths: Sensitivity, spontaneity, emotionality
Weaknesses: Sentimentality, self-pity, jealousy
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Emotion, sense of Self
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: Digestion, Stomach problems, diabetes, obesity
Exercises: Focused deep breathing, connecting with Sun, honesty, follow-through from thought to word to deed
Affirmation: “I trust my own feelings and spontaneity.”

4) Heart Chakra – I love.
Position/Colour: Centre of chest – Green (or pink)
Central Theme: Love, empathy, humanity
Strengths: Love, empathy, humanity
Weaknesses: Narcissism, bitterness, arrogance
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Empathy, love
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: High/low blood pressure, coronary or respiratory disease, lack of feeling, problems with relationships, poor boundaries
Exercises: Focused breathing, random acts of kindness, loving and caring for the Self
Affirmation: “I send myself and others love and compassion.”

5) Throat Chakra – I speak.
Position/Colour: Throat – Sky Blue
Central Theme: Communication, truth, inspiration
Strengths: Discrimination, multifaceted interests, musicality
Weaknesses: Need for admiration, intolerance
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Communication, truth
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: Thyroid ailments, neck pain, speech defects, shyness, inability to express one's self
Exercises: Honesty, openness with Self and others, healthy forms of self-expression
Affirmation: “I open myself to the power of the Truth.”

6) Third Eye Chakra – I see.
Position/Colour: Middle of forehead – Indigo
Central Theme: Intuition, perception, fantasy, visualisation, intelligence, insight
Strengths: Healing energy, self-confidence, intuition, imagination, intelligence
Weaknesses: Lust for power, over-confidence, irresponsibility
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Fantasy, wisdom
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: Headaches, sinus pain, mental illness, poor concentration, learning disabilities, anxiety
Exercises: Intuitive games and exercises, visualisation, art/music appreciation
Affirmation: “I open myself to my inner light.”

7) Crown Chakra – I know.
Position/Colour: Top of head – Royal Purple (or White)
Central Theme: Spirituality, enlightenment, self-realisation, wisdom
Strengths: Spirituality, connection with the Divine
Weaknesses: Superstition, apathy, illusion
Mental/Spiritual Levels: Self-realisation, enlightenment
Physical/Emotional Manifestations: Cancer, immune system disorders, chronic illness, depression, confusion, flight from reality
Exercises: Connection to Divinity, healthy prayer, meditation, seeing Divinity in others
Affirmation: “I am aware in every moment.”

* * * * * * * * *

Reiki provides energy to areas of the physical body that are weak, blocked, or in excess of healthy levels. This balances the energy of the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies to balance basic wellness on all levels.
This can be done in person, through the practitioners' hands, usually laid upon or hovering above each Chakra or, if the practitioner is trained in their second level or more, from any distance of space or time (time: i.e. To heal old emotional wounds, or to send to a stressful situation in advance).

* * * * * * * * *

My Personal Experience

I learned my first level of Reiki in November 1998. I spent the following years practicing on my own chronic pain, on my friends, and on plants and animals. In March 2007 I got the attunement and began my training in Level 2. On my way walking home from one of these classes I slipped on ice, fell and smashed my elbow. I practiced on myself while I healed over the next year and finally completed my Level 2 training in April 2008.

Level II – Distance Treatments & Intuitive Perception
When I learned Level 2, I was told I would be able to “see” energy imbalances in a new way. I dismissed this, as it was not something I was interested in (and I lacked confidence in my visualisation abilities); I just wanted to help people heal themselves. Time passed and I began practicing distance healing on people I knew. I got amazing feedback, telling me that it felt as it did when I was there with the energy passing through my hands. I was surprised and admittedly quite skeptical. My skepticism was relieved when I was told by one of my friends that she could feel Reiki and recognised it as such, without me telling her that I was sending it.

Later I joined a Distance Reiki Share group and the practitioner who provided my treatment gave a detailed description of her experience of the health and balance of my Chakras. This encouraged me to be more focused on each Chakra when I sent the treatment to the group member on whom I was to work. It helped me develop a more thorough method of distance sessions and more importantly, I began to work Chakra by Chakra instead of only sending energy in a general way.
When I tried this and to this day, images and sensations present themselves to me. Images of the Chakras themselves, often in a symbolic manner, give me insight into the health and balance of each Chakra and often also how they relate to each other. When I relay the ideas with which I am provided to the person on whom I'm working, I get very positive feedback. Often it makes me laugh out loud, because I really don't know how I know, I just do. Often, I am still hesitant to give full disclosure as I don't always understand what I'm experiencing, but I do anyway, and I nearly always hear:  "Wow! How did you know?!" or  "I can't believe how accurate you are!"  I can barely believe it myself sometimes, but each time a layer of my skepticism in myself is discarded.

Group Treatments

This is another area that I had a more difficult time in which to put my own faith. I guess I felt as though the energy would be divided among the people and situations on whom/which I was working. This seemed to be disproved when I began to get feedback saying that the energy was well received, experienced and effective, seemingly as well as with one-on-one sessions. Again I found this mildly surprising, but totally inspiring!


If you wish, please visit me at Refresh and Renew Reiki on Facebook with any questions, if you are interested in a session, either in person or from a distance. 
Or you can call (please leave a message) or text 780-893-1108.

Be well, Lovelies!

30 October 2011
Updated 27 May 2019

We Are.

There is Peace.
I know.
It lies before Us.
Straight ahead.

It's hard to see
For there is a wall of turmoil on the path.
But it's Here...
Awaiting Our Arrival.

We need not concern Our Selves with how We will get there.
Just envision it.
Consciously co-create it.
Live as if We are already there.
Because We are...
If and when We choose to be.

There is some clean up to do.
There are some energies to be dispersed.
But We must always remember the most difficult times
Are the most fruitful.
Lead to the most beautiful.
Are absolutely necessary
To balance this mosaic called Life.

We are experiencing separation
From each other, our Selves, the Divine.
...Asleep within...

Through this We learn Unity
With each other, our Selves, the Divine.
...Awake to...

It may get ugly
But We are here to win.
We are here to create and be Peace.
There is no other way.

We are the Creators of the Universe.
We are the Creators of Our Universe.
We are The Light.
We are The One.

We are One
...And All.

20 March 2011

As It All Comes Crumbling Down

As it all comes crumbling down
We will draw each other near
Our foundation may shake beneath us
But we should never fear

Draw from your Light inside
Nurture it to grow strong
See and Know it in others
To help them sing their Song

Through the night as we yearn for dawn
We must remember it's on the way
Never cower in the dark
And don't listen to what *they* say

Know you are better than this
Know that they are too
Know that there is a Plan
Bigger than me and you

Trust your Self and your Light
Love with all your Soul
Nothing defeats the Darkness
Like unity with the Whole

24 February 2011

Using My Voice

We are Not Free
I know this
As I hesitate to use my Voice
We are Not Free
I know this
As I see we are given no real choice

We live in the Age of Information
Yet I ask how much we really Know?
They say we live in Freedom
Yet Liberty is rationed; civil rights are let go

We are Not Free
We are slaves
To religion, money, and ease
We are Not Free
We are bound
To fear, apathy, greed and disease

We've come to know Globalisation
As we discover the need for the Local
In this era of waste and complacency
We need to conserve... and be vocal

We will be Free
When we stand up
To take back the Earth
We will be Free
When we feel
Our own Divine Worth

Humanity seems to grow dark
Though I continue to Trust the Light
But I shrink as I fear for our future
We're in for one hell of a fight

We will be Free
When we Know
We are more than this
We will be Free
When we choose
To opt out of the Bliss*

Just as a candle lights a whole room
A single Bright Soul does the same
And as our world falls under darkness and hate
Our Light's even brighter... ever brighter aflame

The time is Now
It's up to us

We Can
We Must
We Will

(*V reference!)

Related V Quotes:

Abraham:  "...So far I'm as frightened as a child who fears the dark. But we must fight this darkness that is threatening to engulf us. Each of us must be a ray of hope and do our part, and join with the others until we become a blinding light triumphant over darkness. Until that task is accomplished life will have no meaning. More than anything you must remember what side you're on and fight for it."

Donovan: "How'd someone like that get to be your leader anyway?"
Martin: "Charisma, circumstances, promises. Not enough of us spoke up to question him until it was too late. It happens on your planet, doesn't it?"
Donovan: "I guess it does."

15 January 2011